CALLERS to the Review say they fear being swamped by new housing as rumours circulate that as many as 800 houses could be planned for Monmouth.

They say the developments could double the area of the town and that Monmouthshire County Council is being very secretive about their new Local Development Plan, which dictates how the area will change over the next 15 years.

Jim Duncan lives in Monmouth and says he is concerned about what the plans could mean for the town.

He said: "It only became known about in the last week or so and the consultation appears to finish later this month with no time allowed for local people to arrange meetings and discuss a response."

Monmouthshire County Council says it wants to reassure residents that it will not overdevelop towns.

Cllr Bob Greenland, deputy council leader and cabinet member for regeneration services said: "It is important to remember that we are in the very early stages of a consultation process. No decisions have been made yet.

"Landowners, developers and the public were asked to nominate 'candidate sites' for consideration for inclusion within the LDP.

"We now have a list of possible development sites but nothing has been confirmed at this stage.

"As a council we need to monitor the changing needs of the county and do our best to address them.

"This could mean building more houses or even providing more parks and open spaces. "We want to help build sustainable communities whilst taking into account the impact on the local environment. We have no intentions to overdevelop.

"Our aim is to make Monmouthshire a better place for people to live, work and visit."

People have until July 17 (4.30pm) to comment on the plans, which are on display in Monmouth Tourist Information Centre. Comments can be addressed to: The Development Plans Team, Regeneration, Environment and Resources Directorate, Monmouth­shire County Council, County Hall, Cwmbran, NP44 2XH, or visit">