WELSH Assembly Member for Monmouth, Nick Ramsay, has said that he is 'disappointed' at the Government's decision not to proceed with actions to reduce noise and air pollution around a stretch of the A40, for at least four years.

He has been told that whilst the section of the trunk road has been identified as a priority area in Phase 3 of the Government's noise action plan, this phase will not now commence until 2018/19 at the earliest.

In the meantime, work is in progress to redesign the road surface on the A40 between Dixton roundabout and the Gibraltar Tunnels, which aims to reduce the amount of noise generated by the road.

In a statement about the response from the Minister, Mr Ramsay commented: "It is very disappointing that residents will have to wait so long before this work is carried out.

"I know they are particularly concerned that the current situation could worsen if vegetation and trees are cleared to make way for the proposed Dixton retail site."

He added: "I will continue to keep the pressure on the Welsh government to progress this much needed scheme."

•The Dixton Road development plans, which include a drive through McDonalds, a Costa Coffee, a Marstons public house with accommodation, a bulky goods retail unit and veterinary surgery, has attracted growing local objections – including a 226 signature petition against the idea. It has been posted on to the Monmouthshire County Council website, under planning reference: DC/2013/01071.