IN an angry meeting, Two Rivers Housing Association was told to redesign what have were described as 'Beachley barracks' styled homes into something more suitable for the residents of Sling.

 Plans for the replacement of 14 homes at Milestone Walk, Sling, were submitted to Forest of Dean District Council to demolish the 'Cornish' style concrete homes and construct 18 new dwellings. 

But at the Forest's Development Control Committee's most recent meeting Cllr Jane Horne told members: "This community deserve better than this. The design is like looking at Beachley Barracks' homes (headquarters of 1 Rifles on the outskirts of Chepstow).

"Just because it is a housing association property doesn't mean that the appearance should be sub standard. Sling is on the edge of somewhere special and this development should be more than a building, it should be a home."

Cllr Arthur Thomas: "The feeling of the residents of Sling, who tell me they like well designed houses, is not being taken into account. Local people explained that once these houses are up they stay for decades and they don't want to see this sort of design in their village.

"This is an absolutely grotesque design and I take a dim view towards the attitude of Two Rivers."

Cllr David Thomson was also very disappointed at the designs in front of him and posed a question: "Do they think it's a good design or is it all they can afford?

"I am loath to hold up a development just because of the design of the building. I feel that Two Rivers has not taken the opportunity to do something special here."

Cllr Richard Long added: "We decided over recent meetings that parish councils should have more say in our decisions. West Dean Parish Council are 100 per cent against this design."

Cllr Norman Stevens posed another question: "Why should we be looking at sub standard designs? We should throw this back at them and tell them to do it again."

The authority's planning officers informed members that they had themselves raised issues over the buildings' design, but revealed that the housing association had chosen to disregard their advice.

"The design for these 18 homes is not at all inspiring," said Cllr Philip Burford.

He added: "Two years ago we saw Two Rivers take down houses built on stilts and design and build some very pleasing and acceptable housing at Broadwell. Can we point the association towards this development as this would be far more pleasing to all of us?"

Cllr James Bevan agreed; "Not only is the design not up to scratch, we are looking at building 18 homes on a postage stamp again."

"I would like those who live in the local community to help with the design so that Sling residents have something that is far more acceptable to them," added Cllr Thomas.

Cllr Norman Stephens concluded: "If we refuse this application it should send a strong message to the housing association that we find bulk standard bland designs like this unacceptable. By deferring our decision we can only hope that Two Rivers can get their act together and submit something more in keeping with the area."

The councillors voted to defer the application by 13 votes to two, with one abstention with strict instructions to Two Rivers Housing Association to improve the design and the density of the proposed dwellings before resubmitting the planning application.