A PETITION for ‘accessible’ hospital care in the Forest started by a Lydney woman has gained more 100 signatories in one week. 

The petition, started by Marian Northfield, attempts to rally for either a commitment to reopen Lydney and Dilke hospitals, or provide adequate transport services to the new hospital in Cinderford. 

Yesterday it had recived 292 signatures with a goal of 500. This week, it has received 103 signatures.

Taking to Change.org, Marian said: “The closures of both Lydney and the Dilke hospitals in favour of a new state-of-the-art hospital in Cinderford are decisions that have affected our community deeply. 

“The new hospital, unfortunately, lacks an essential A&E service. Without accessible public transport, a large number of the Forest of Dean residents find themselves estranged from much-needed medical care.

“The lack of accessible healthcare facilities is a serious issue in our region and needs to be addressed with urgency. We can't let our fellow citizens suffer due to geographical barriers and transport inadequacies.

“It is crucial that we stand together and ensure our voices are heard. The health of our community depends on the accessibility and availability of comprehensive medical services. 

“Let's rally for a commitment to reopening Lydney and Dilke hospitals or establishing adequate transport services to the new hospital in Cinderford at the very least.” 

Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust said they had no comment about the petition. However, a spokesperson said: “The location of the new hospital was decided by a Citizen’s Jury, while the size and services to be commissioned were determined by NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (now the Integrated Care Board).”

The Integrated Care Board and the Forest of Dean District Council has been contacted for comment.

You can find out more about the petition by visiting Change.org.