FOLLOWING the closure of St John the Evangelist Church in Coleford, more than 1,500 people have signed a petition, placed in local shops last November.
Organised by the Friends of St John, it is asking church commissioners to reconsider the church’s fate at a meeting in London on June 1. The Review was told that the big concern for local people is that the Victorian church could be demolished to make way for housing if the decision is taken to stop worship.
A representative for the group says: “We feel consultation could have begun more fully in 2012 before the doors were locked, as we thought, on a temporary basis. £1.8m was quoted for repairs, but that’s for long-term refurbishment and we believe this figure is
inflated. The Church Building Council (CBC) of the Diocese stated St John is ‘not beyond use’ and we can find no professional advice to suggest that the structure is unsafe.
“We think £5,000 would cover urgent works to allow us to open for worship. It is more realistic to raise this amount than aim for vast sums that change shape every time they are analysed.”
Friends were heartened by the CBC’s report which suggested long-term: ‘changes to how the church looks, feels and operates to combine worship with a community function.’
One friend told the Review: “We’d welcome multi-use of the building with worship, community events, musical evenings and appreciation of Frederick Waller’s amazing internal acoustic architecture. We’re seeking public support. Please write to tell us why you think St John’s is required for worship and community cohesion care of Rushmere Farm, Crossways, Coleford, GL16 8QP.”