PARKEND Community Orchard has welcomed a new set of residents whose job will be to chomp through unwanted plant growth
Forestry England and Forest-based experts Grazing Management are working with Parkend Community Orchard Group to increase biodiversity in York Lodge Fields.
Part of this involves introducing the cattle – which are fondly known as the ‘Beltie Boys’ – to graze the meadow down over the winter.
The four Belted Galloway steers – castrated male cattle – have been introduced for a four- week pilot and will graze a section of the orchard to test how it goes.
They are using 'Nofence' collars, a GPS based system, which contains the cattle in a specific section of the orchard.

The orchard already boasts a diverse range of plants and butterflies but, with the help of the cattle, it’s hoped this will increase.
If all goes well, the cattle will return in the autumn to graze for a longer period.
Until 2019, the land, which is the responsibility of Forestry England, was lightly grazed with ponies and managed organically for 50 years without artificial fertilisers, herbicides or pesticides.
The bracken was cut back as required to stop it taking over and preventing the growth of other plants, resulting in areas of good quality wildflower grassland.
Grazing and management stopped in 2019 with a subsequent increase in coarser grasses, bracken encroachment and a loss of biodiversity.
The reintroduction of grazing will restore wildflower habitat and improve grassland structure that benefits invertebrates, reptiles, bats and birds.
Community ranger Miranda Thomason said: “It has been so positive working with the Parkend Community Orchard Group and helping them to develop their project.
“After meetings with various local graziers, we are pleased to be working with Alex from Grazing Management as his cattle seem to be the best match for the site at this stage.
“The Beltie Boys will help not only to manage the grass and improve biodiversity but will also generate further community interest and involvement.”
The orchard was created last year by residents with trees selected by Forestry England and financial help from Gloucestershire County Council’s tree fund.