THE FOREST Council has said it is committed to the flagship redevelopment of the Five Acres site following a review of the scheme prompted by spiralling costs.

The council was successful in its bid for Levelling Up funds from the government which included a leisure and education development on the site of the former Gloucestershire College campus.

The proposals for Five Acres were expected to cost around £9 million and would see the site become a satellite for Hartpury University, bringing specialist education opportunities.

Since then the impact of the rising global price of materials and high inflation has added considerably to the cost of the project.

Cllr Jonathan Lane (Green, Tidenham), the council's Cabinet member with responsibility for the project, said: “We are working hard with partners to review design options for Five Acres to ensure that we deliver the best possible facility for the community in a financially sustainable manner. 

“We are working hard with partners to review design options for Five Acres to ensure that we deliver the best possible facility for the community in a financially sustainable manner. 

“We will be continuing these discussions over the coming weeks and meeting with Government officers to ensure we have the necessary approvals needed to extend the project and make any changes to the proposed outputs.  

“We want to assure residents that we are committed to delivering a fantastic facility at Five Acres that can be used by residents of all ages.

“It is important for all that it is delivered within budget and that is what we are working hard on to get the project successfully back on track.” 

Once fully funded designs have been agreed, the council will update residents on the anticipated start of the construction on site and what the scheme will deliver.    

The site’s development is currently phased with the renovation and conversion of the Speedwell building and the construction of the sports hall in the first phase.

Later, attention will focus on the construction of the 3G pitch and changing facilities. 

To support the development of the 3G pitch and changing facility, council is working with the Football Foundation and Football Association to prepare a funding application that will be submitted in October 2024 and determined in January 2025.  

At the same time, the council is continuing to work with West Dean Parish Council to develop the Five Acres playing fields.

It is planned that the southern half of the existing grass pitches will be developed to create the 3G pitch that will be suitable for rugby and football use all year round.  

The 3G pitch will be subject to a separate planning application that will be submitted this summer. 

The council says it will provide updates and communications during the review process and will continue to work with all parties, including the residents of the Forest of Dean to ensure that this project is delivered successfully.

Full details for the Five Acres site redevelopment, as well as documents including designs, and comments and questions from previous public forum events can be found at:

The other elements of the Forest's Levelling Up programme are at Cinderford and Hartpury University.

Levelling Up money is funding the regeneration of Cinderford town centre including the refurbishment of the former Methodist Church into The Wesley arts centre, the former HSBC bank building for The Music Works charity and community space at Rheola House.

A £10 million innovation, careers and enterprise learning centre is planned at Hartpury focusing on encouraging young people to remain in education or start their own business in the Forest.