I WOULD like to add to the comment made by Alison McPhee in the paper dated August 22.
As Ms McPhee says, it was a total waste of time trying to overtake seven cars and a lorry.
Have these people who drive dangerously ever been on a speed camera course?
They will soon realise that it is a pain having to pay £80 and to take time off work in order to avoid three points on their licence.
I also thought police and politicians were going to take a hard line on tail-gating though I think there would have to be cameras to catch people doing it.
There are two death trap junctions in the Forest of Dean that I know about where I think something could and should be done.
Hewelsfield crossroads: I think there should be a 30mph limit with a speed camera.
Viney Hill, just below the brow of the hill: I am sure there is enough to flatten the brow of the hill.
If it costs too much money, have two speed cameras with 30/40mph limits at the brow of the hill and the crossroads.
The accident was allegedly caused by a fireworks display half a mile from the motorway.
It was interesting to note that the person who organised the display was acquitted and the most likely reason was tail-gating although there was not enough evidence for a prosecution.
– Paul Mear, Chepstow.