A decision on plans to build 140 homes on the edge of Coleford has been postponed until March.

Freeman Homes wants permission to develop some 7.53 hectares of land at Poolway Farm in Gloucester Road.

Their scheme was due to be debated by the Forest Council’s development management committee on last week.

However, chairman Dave Wheeler (Green, Newland and Sling) told the meeting the planning application had been withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the applicants.

They want to discuss some of the recommended conditions proposed by the council, more time to consider concerns raised by councillors during a site visit and the issue of great crested newts.

Development Control Manager Clive Reynolds said in an email to the committee the day before the meeting that he carefully considered their request and decided to withdraw the item from the meeting to allow the applicant and consultees to further discuss the case.

“Hopefully an agreement [can] be reached upon the conditions to be recommended with further clarity on issues that members have raised,” he said.

“The intention will be to represent the matter to committee with the March 11, 2025 meeting being the likely date.”

The proposals seek full planning permission to build the new homes along with road access, footways, parking, drainage and open space.

The plans include retaining Poolway Farmhouse while demolishing redundant farm buildings.

If approved, the new estate would have 53 two bed homes, 34 three bed houses and 37 four beds along with 12 two bed flats, including two flats over garages and four five bed dwellings arranged around a new estate road gaining access off Gloucester Road.

The proposals range between two and 2.5 storeys in height. And twelve of the properties are proposed to be offered to the over 55s.

Coleford Town Council recognise the site is allocated for housing in the neighbourhood development plan but have objected due to highways concerns.