A LARGE crowd turned out to watch competitors taking part in this year’s Ross on Wye Annual Pancake Races.

    Pancake Race
The youngsters from Ross Rugby Club win the team event and insert with the winning golden frying pan trophy presented by the mayor Cllr Bev Pope. (Tindle)

Hundreds of entrants flipped their pancakes in races up Broad Street that ranged from the under-fives to adults.

Pancake races
Flipping fun for the youngsters at the halfway stage with one girl crossing the finishing line in style. (Tindle)

The event was organised by Ross Lions and Ross Rotary Clubs, with the support of Ross Town Council.

Pancake races
Concentration is the name of the game for these competitors. (Tindle)

Many of the younger competitors took to wearing fancy dress the winner of which was awarded with a special prize sponsored by Toybox.

Pancake races
Ready, steady, go…it’s one of the primary school age group races. (Tindle)

The winners of every race were presented with medals while all participants received a certificate from town mayor, Cllr Bev Pope.

She said: “The weather has shone on the town’s unique event making it a real community occasion for all to enjoy.

Pancake races
A boy’s delight after catching the pancake after a successful flip. (Tindle)