MONMOUTH Leisure Centre and the town driving test centre were unable to open today after flooding backed up through the drains and covered much of old Dixton Road and the secondary school’s sports areas.
Although the flood gates beside Monmouth Rowing Club were shut some three days ago, the drains were unable to cope, leaving residents at the end of the road stranded except for wading through the water, a foot deep in places, or walking around the Dixton dual carriageway roundabout and back down the main Dixton Road.

Cars were also left in foot deep water in the car parks.
Police have shut the road to vehicles and pedestrians at the war memorial roundabout entrance near the Nag’s Head pub while Natural Resources Wales and the fire service work on pumping away the water.

The Monmouthshire Council-owned leisure centre posted this morning: “The centre is currently closed, updates will be posted here, on our app and website throughout the day.
“Please don’t travel to the centre as the roads on approach are not safe. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.”
Osbaston Road beside the Monnow was also closed yesterday.
One poster on Monmouth New Businesses said of the whole situation: “The water comes from Osbaston. Because of all the roads, houses, tarmac drives, etc, the water isn't held in the soil.

“The area is earmarked for natural flood prevention measures - permeable surfaces, trees, hedges, wildflower areas (if only people would stop mowing their lawns which, in flood prevention terms are known as 'green concrete), rain gardens, etc.

“So the water just runs off because the soil can't hold it and it collects along Old Dixton Road.
“This is the reason for the regular flooding along Osbaston Road - and along Redbrook Road and many other areas.”