THE ROYAL Forest of Dean’s Inner Wheel has donated a potentially life-saving bleed control kit to Littledean hotel, The Belfry, for use in an emergency and in the hope that more places follow will suit.

Bleed control kits are specialised trauma packs designed to allow bystanders stop life-threatening bleeding until emergency services arrive. 

The kits were developed by the West Midlands Ambulance Service with consultants from the Daniel Baird Foundation Charity - founded after 26-year-old Daniel was fatally stabbed in Birmingham with no kit or first aid available. 

In 2020, the first bleed cabinet, which houses the kit, was installed in Birmingham. Daniel’s mother Lynne Baird said: “These public access kits are a vital tool in saving lives. We hope this will be the first of many and look forward to seeing more of them nationwide soon."

The Royal Forest’s Inner Wheel, who work with local and national charities, share this belief and following approval, started with The Belfry, where the organisation sometimes has meetings.

A spokesperson said: “They are affordable and should be in every town and village where their location is known as it could save many lives.” 

The Inner Wheel is one of the largest voluntary service organisations in the world. They raise funds which they distribute locally, nationally and internationally. The main fundraising comes from catering for the two Rotary Half Marathons.

They have supported charities like the Food Bank, Baby Bank, Women’s Refuge, Blood Bikes, CANDI Youth Space, FRED and more. 

The Forest of Dean’s group, led by President Lynn Hyndman, is this year celebrating its centenary and continues its dedication to local and national causes, and raising money in a variety of ways from catering to T-shirt sales.

They enjoy coffee mornings and fun activities with their members and always welcome newcomers. 

If you wish to get involved or help the organisation, you can find them on Facebook or give them a call on 07730 269362.

They also meet on the second Thursday of each month (excluding August) at 6pm for dinner at Forest Hills Golf Club.