NHS GLOUCESTERSHIRE has encouraged residents of the county to confirm their decision around organ donation, during Organ Donation Week (September 23 to September 29).

Since the implementation of Max and Keira's Law – the Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2019 - it is assumed that when someone dies where they could have been a donor, they agree to donate their organs if they haven’t officially opted out.

However, no-one is automatically added to the Organ Donor Register. You still need to confirm your decision and your family will be consulted before donation.

Ian Mean, Chair, Gloucestershire Organ and Tissue Donation Committee said: “Confirming your decision to donate on the NHS Organ Donor Register makes it clear to your family that you want to be an organ donor, leaving them certain of your decision at what is a difficult and emotional time. We need more people in Gloucestershire to confirm their decision on the register today in order to save more lives now and in the future.”

The Organ Donor Register was set up in 1994 to encourage organ donation, and allow people to record their decision. It came after a five-year campaign by John Cox and his daughter Christine following the passing of their son and brother, Peter, in 1989. He had asked for his organs to be used to help others.

NHS Gloucestershire says that 496,074 residents have already declared their decision through the NHS Organ Donor Register.

However, some are excluded. Those under 18, those who have lived in England for less than 12 months or who are not living here voluntarily, and people who lack the capacity to understand the law change.

Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant said: “With more people, both adults and children, waiting for transplants, it’s more important than ever to confirm your organ donation decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register. We urge everyone to take a moment this Organ Donation Week to register and confirm your decision.”

You can record your decision to opt in or out on the Organ Donor Register online.