Community groups and organisations across the Forest of Dean are invited to apply for a £15,000 grant from the Forest of Dean Active Travel Grant Scheme (ATGS) to help fund projects that support and encourage active travel for residents.

Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Cllr Chris McFarling said: “These grants area great opportunity for local groups and organisations to apply for funding to assist with theiractive travel projects. Helping residents get around through walking, cycling or wheeling will help reduce the number of car journeys made and support healthy and resilient communities.

“The District Council has limited powers regarding transport, with most being a function of Gloucestershire County Council. However, we recognise the need for local solutions for the people of the Forest that offer alternative travel options and that is why we have introduced the Active Travel Grant Scheme (ATGS).

“We especially want to hear from those groups that wish to lead on inclusivity and road safety. It’s also important to hear from thosethat are engaging with and encouraging discussions with a diverse range of people from the local community.

“The need for active travel solutions is clear and we want to help promote safe, resilient and thriving communities that work together to help lower the number of cars on our roads and reduce carbon emissions in the district.

“I would encourage all local groups who are eligible to get in touch and begin the application process.”

The Forest of Dean District Council Active Travel Grant Scheme (ATGS) enables local groups to apply for funding of up to £15,000 to help with active travel solutions. Applicants will need to provide a minimum 20% ‘match funding’ contribution, i.e. up to £3,750 match funding for a £15,000 grant and there is £100,000 of funding to be allocated in total.

Applications for the grant will need to come from eligible organisations, including charities, community groups, communities interest companies (CIC’s), businesses or a limited range of Forest of Dean based, community focused statutory bodies, e.g. Parish Councils or schools.

Examples of Active Travel Schemes that could be funded include new or improved cycle parking or facilities, improvements to walking, cycling or wheeling signage or information boards. It could also include promotional or training events which promote behaviour change and ultimately help to increase walking, wheeling and cycling.

The Forest of Dean Active Travel Grant Scheme is open now for applications and closes October 21, 2024.

The scheme is part Forest’s plan to use the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which was designed to take the place of European funding which has now run out and the council has an approved ‘Local Investment Plan’ for the UKSPF, which sets out how it proposes to use the funding through to March 2025.

UKSPF seeks to address a whole range of issues through a range of ‘interventions’ prescribed by the Government, from which local councils can choose. Forest of Dean District Council is looking to:

  • Support the four town centres and larger villages
  • Support organisations to undertake research and technical work to develop plans to improve local places
  • Encourage active travel, like cycling and walking
  • Support community projects and businesses seeking to tackle the climate crisis
  • Create good quality, well-paid jobs for local people and help more businesses to start up, expand and survive
  • Promote the Forest of Dean as a visitor destination and a film friendly location
  • Support local businesses through the Forest Growth Hub
  • Support specialist training to help people seeking to enter or re-enter employment
  • Introduce new Digital Skills and Green Construction Skills training programmes