Business across the Forest of Dean are invited to apply for the next round of Rural Business Grants to develop and grow their business. This funding is available for a limited time, so businesses are being encouraged to act quickly so they do not miss out.  

Cabinet Member for Economy, Cllr Johnathan Lane said:“The Rural Business Grants are a fantastic way for businesses across the Forest of Dean to develop and grow. 

“As part of the ‘Listening to Business’ visits that we have conducted, we know that there are many local businesses looking for an opportunity to grow further, and as a council we want to help our local economy continue to develop in a sustainable manner. 

“This is an opportunity for businesses to bring their plans to life and I would encourage any business that is eligible to apply. Find out more about the support available to you and your business on the Council’s dedicated business support page.” 

The Rural Business Grant was established after the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs identified the Forest of Dean as an eligible location for Rural England Prosperity Funding (REPF). The REPF aims to improve rural productivity, and its goals are linked to the Shared Prosperity Fund.  

The Council has previously allocated £273,777.98 to local Forest of Dean businesses in rounds one and two of the Rural Business Grants. 

Applications to this third round of Rural Business Grants end on October 7. 

Applications are open to existing micro-businesses, small businesses and social enterprises.  

Eligible uses of the grant include:  

  • Developing and promoting the visitor economy. 
  • Farm diversification to generate new income streams. 
  • Improving digital connectivity infrastructure. 
  • Supporting new to firm innovation, energy efficient and low carbon technologies. 
  • Improving land & premises security. 

Grant funding awards will be between £3,000 - £25,000, with 20 per cent match funding required. 

Applications will be considered by a panel of representatives from the District Council, Tourism Association, Federation of Small Businesses, and private sector.  

Further information on the Rural Business Grant can be found at