Coleford’s Neighbourhood Development Plan (CNDP) was created in 2018 by Coleford people to help to guide and shape land use and development in their parish. Forest of Dean District Council use this alongside their emerging Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework to plan forward and make decisions on planning applications.
Marilyn Cox, Chair of Coleford Town Council’s Planning Committee, is keen for people who work, live or link with Coleford to come to a workshop at The Main Place on Thursday 13 March at 6.30pm to find out more. She said, “ We use CNDP as our text book. It lays down what Coleford people want for their place in a way that works with the Planning system. We use it all the time to make our comments to FoDDC or to the Planning Inspectorate in connection with Appeals. But it is only valid to 2026, and there have been a lot of changes, which we also need to consider.
The next step is to get people involved, get the conversations going and start up a steering group and some theme groups to bring together what will serve Coleford up to 2041. Have your say, listen to what others think, bring evidence and ideas, and work from there.
You can help. Look out for the consultations: the initial one starts Saturday, March 8 and closes on Monday, March 24. To find out more about the plan visit
Do you work in the Town Centre, shop there, run a business? Have you moved in recently or consider this place your roots? Do you want to see a better link into the Forest more local jobs? What is happening about reducing flooding? Public transport and active travel?
Keep in touch through [email protected] or by contacting Coleford Town Council to ask for updates.