THE gallant lads and lasses of Exel distribution centre in Chepstow really pulled out all the stops when it came to helping national mobility charity Motablity.

For they pulled not just one but TWO 16-tonne trucks a whole 50 metres as part of a national Guinness World Record attempt.

It was all in aid of the UK's largest mobility charity, Motability, and at the same time that the 42 people who made up the Chepstow team went into action 408 other Exel employees at 12 locations joined in the challenge to move a total of 21 trucks over the set distance.

"It went really well – everyone had a great time and I think the record is in the bag," said Sylvie Rose of the RED PR consultancy handling the event.

Staff at the Chepstow depot, in Newhouse Industrial Estate, Mathern, have helped many other charities with sponsored stunts and collections in the past .

On this occasion it was a battle of the sexes with the girls versus the boys – and needless to say, the girls won!