A NEW report has shown an increase in the number of accessible defibrillators in South Gloucestershire, along with a UK-wide increase.
The 2024 Cardiac Coverage Report released by defibshop showed a total increase of 58, accounting for a 15.51% change when compared with the previous 2021/22 report.
The report also revealed an impressive 228.78% increase in accessible defibrillators across the UK compared to 2021/22. The release of the updated Q4 report, showed a further 16.44% increase in accessibility compared to Q1 of this year.
Kerry Fairhurst, Head of Marketing & eCommerce at defibshop, said, “Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrests continue to take the lives of most people who suffer one. The growth in registered defibrillators on The Circuit (National Defibrillator Network) over the last two years has been significant, allowing an increased chance of survival to many more individuals. It is vital that this trend continues and Guardians ensure their unit is ready in the event of an emergency and their status is communicated with The Circuit.”
Defibshop believes this continued surge marks significant progress in improving cardiac safety, but still raises the question of how prepared the UK is for sudden cardiac arrests.
More information about cardiac arrest and how you can reduce the risk of experiencing one can be found online.