A BUST of a legendary singer-songwriter who lived in the Wye Valley will take pride of place in his home town’s theatre.

Jake Thackray, who made his name on Esther Rantzen’s That’s Life, moved to the Monmouth area with his young family in the 1970s and lived there until his death at the age of 64 in 2002.

His bust was a feature of an Islington pub, named after his song The Blacksmith and Toffeemaker, and was acquired when it closed by John Watterson, a tribute singer who tours as Fake Thackray and is playing Monmouth’s Savoy Theatre later this month.

And watched by Jake’s son Tom, John presented it to the theatre saying that it was an honour to find a worthy home for the likeness, despite the famous singer’s hate of celebrity or anything to do with fame.

John first met Jake on the Isle of Man in 1975, and on learning of his passing, decided that the songs were too good not to be kept alive and set about learning them.

He performed at The Savoy two years ago, and as Jake was a local man, approached Chris Ryde, director of the Savoy Trust and theatre general manager to see if he would like to have the bust there.

“We were delighted to accept this gift and had Nick Frost make a plinth so we could unveil it in advance of John’s next performance here,” said Chris.

“I am genuinly chuffed to do this today” said John.

“Jake was one of the finest singer-songwriters and wordsmiths this country has produced in decades and he adopted himself into Monmouth.

“He became a man very much of Monmouth, but would have absolutely hated the idea of a bust because anything to do with fame and being a celebrity was something he despised and refused to indulge in”.

He added that he was “a big man and a huge talent,” who “preferred to have a pint at the bar with the punters and didn’t really see what the fuss was about”.

Jake’s son Tom admired the bust of his dad, who is buried at Welsh Newton churchyard, and said: “They captured his nose.”

John will be performing Jake’s songs as Fake Thackray at the Savoy on Thursday, October 24 at 7.30pm.

See monmouth-savoy.ticketsolve.com for tickets.