PLEASE find attached a copy of a letter I sent to Monmouthshire County Council and Caldicot Town Council.
It has been decided – by whom I don't know – that sheep should be grazed over a large part of Caldicot Country park.
One of the reasons given is that sheep will improve the park for wildlife.
As one of the many dog walkers I am extremely upset by this decision.
Other people have also voiced their disapproval of the scheme.
I would be grateful if you could give my letter a little space in your paper. I hope it might encourage other people to voice their disapproval, in the hope that the decision might be reversed.
"Over four years ago I came to Caldicot to be closer to relatives. One of the factors which helped me to decide on the move was the Caldicot Country Park. It is ideal for my dog to have her first walk of the day. It is a place where dogs can run free and play with other dogs, safely.
"I find the intention of running sheep in the park totally unacceptable.?Dozens of people walk their dogs in the park daily. Many parents take their young children to play and walk in the park. How will they cope with the sheep dung that will be all over the paths??Sheep will decrease the attraction of the park to many people of all ages. It seems strange as the general aim is to get more people to take more exercise (10,000 steps a day) as pointed out by notice boards around the park.
"I understand that people have had free access to the park for over 20 years. I, and all the other users of the park, are council tax payers and, therefore, surely have a stake in the park. Why were we not asked our opinion. Surely we should be included in decisions involving something of this nature.
"I beg you to reconsider the decision, or at least arrange a meeting, to which we are all invited and publicise it, so that all the interested parties can put forward their points of view.
"The statement that sheep will improve the wildlife is not strictly true, as sheep graze indiscriminately and therefore tend to do more harm than good as far as wildlife is concerned. They will not benefit wildlife in any way.
"Please remember that this is one of the few places in Caldicot where dogs can be safely allowed off the lead."
– Jennifer Marchalleck,?Caldicot.