NEW KITTENS are looking for homes in Gloucestershire, currently in the care of Cotswolds  Dogs and Cats Home (CDCH). 

The charity announced some new arrivals into their care, and now seek Gloucestershire residents who want to give them brand new forever homes. 

Currently, the felines that are available include Noodles; a black male kitten, the pair of Hummus and Olive; a tabby female and a black and white male, the duo of Butternut and Maple; a grey and white female and a black and white female, and the group of Tequila, Salt and Lime. These are black and white, made up of two females and one male. 

CDCH said: “Some of our recent kittens will be looking for homes in pairs, and a couple will be eager to find homes with an existing friendly feline companion to make friends with. If you are either ready to welcome a kitten or two into your home now, or in future, then complete an application to be included in consideration.

“Forever homes should be able to offer the kittens a safe room or space to settle into, as well as be prepared for securing their home during the initial few months while they are too young and little to venture outdoors.” 

You can apply to home these kittens and more via their website.
