LOTS of people took the opportunity to find out more about what local firefighters do at open days on Saturday (August 12).
The events at Cinderford and Lydney fire stations raised money for the Firefighters’ Charity.
Watch manager Chris Jones, who runs the Lydney station said there was a queue to get in before the doors had opened.
He said: “It’s been a lot busier than I expected.
“They were queuing up for us to open the doors and it’s been a steady stream for the three hours we’ve been open.
Everything from the tombola went and the people on the tea and cake stand didn’t stop.”
Firefighters gave a demonstration of how they rescue someone trapped in a car and how they tackle a blaze.
He said: “We did a road traffic collision demonstration. We cut the roof off and got the casualty out and then we did a fire demonstration.
“A BA (breathing apparatus) crew went in, rescued someone from the building and we put the fire out and then drew the smoke out with a fan.
People were also shown the effects of smoke in the ‘smokehouse’.
“We tell people to find a wall and follow it to get out of the building.”
There was also lots of information about fire safety and preventing blazes.
“We do safe and well visits because it is about community safety – it’s about awareness and keeping everyone safe so we don’t have to go to fires.”
The station in Hill Street has two appliances and a specialist vehicle for water and rope rescues.