LYDNEY Town Council alongside Lydney and District Twinning Association and the Mayor, welcomed representatives from Brehal this week (May 9) at Lydney Town Hall.

The representatives from Brehal are visiting Lydney until May 12, so the Twinning Association have arranged a series of events during their stay, including a celebration dinner and an afternoon trip on the Forest of Dean Railway.

The meeting was a show of the strong relationship the groups have, which has been running for decades. 

A spokesperson from Lydney Town Council said: “Lydney and District Twinning Association was formed 33 years ago following a school exchange between the then Whitecross School and the Vanlee College in Brehal, Normandy. 

“The proposal for a formal ‘Declaration of Friendship’ was put to both Town Councils where it received great support and the document was signed by both Town Mayors in June 1991.

“Since then, the Lydney and District Twinning Association has been acting on behalf of the Town to develop and maintain the cultural relationship with the Brehal Twinning Association. 

“This essentially takes the form of a cultural exchange between families of both towns, usually during the May half-term period, with each town hosting alternate years.

“Brehal Town Council has consistently provided support to the Twinning relationship and in recognition of the 30th anniversary they commissioned a presentation bell which was given to Lydney and District Twinning Association.”

Following the event, Mayor Tasha Saunders thanked the Lydney and District Twinning Association for their work. She also thanked the representatives from Brehal for coming to Lydney, and wished them an enjoyable stay.