A MAGICIAN from Alvington is currently making his way around the coast of Britain by bike to raise money for a charity in Ghana.

Colin Lanfear, who goes by the stage name of Magic Colin, has reached Snowdonia, in the northwest tip of Wales, and is 500 miles into a 3,300 mile journey.

He is busking to pay his way and to raise funds for the Adoley Centre in Ghana.

Colin told the Review: “I’m a semi-professional magician and family entertainer. I’ve wanted to do this bike ride for a few years and partly I’m doing it now because I can.

“I enjoy cycling very much and annually  my friend and I talked about cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats. It remained just talk though, and you can’t keep saying you’ll do something next year.

“I wanted to raise money for the Adoley Centre, which offers support for adults and children with disabilities in the Amasaman district. The charity was set up by my brother-in-law and I’ve been involved with it for about five years now.

“I’m raising money to finish a multifunction building on the site.

“I’ve got the opportunity to do this bike ride and I’m taking it.

“I have my magic show condensed into one small case and will perform on the streets of the towns and cities I pass through, offering up my hat for donations for my accommodation and food and for the Adoley project.”

Colin, who is funding the trip himself, had raised £1,500 of a planned £15,000 before he left with the total now up to £2,800 since he set off from Alvington on May 11.

His route is based on the cycle network and, as far as is possible, he is sticking to traffic light roads.  

He has had two punctures so far and broke a tooth on a packet of sea salt crips, but said: “People have been amazing, inspiring and generous.

“The dentist who treated me on Anglesey didn’t charge me at all. Added to that I received an anonymous donation yesterday for £1,000. I’ve been busking too as I go and camping or staying with friends along the way.

“I stayed with Stuart Williams, who used to be chair of Dean Forest Railway, in Tallywyn, where he’s now involved with their heritage railway.

“The scenery is outstanding and the weather has been ideal so far with no rain at all. I even saw dolphins off the coast the other day. I’d say to anyone if you want to do something, now is the time.”

Colin is hoping the whole journey will take him around four months, although he says there’s no real timescale. To follow his progress visit facebook/magiccolinentertainer or to donate visit www.magiccolin.com/farm4life