ANYONE from the age of eight to 88 is being invited to bend a knee and try their hand at playing bowls at Cinderford. Taster sessions at the club come completely free of charge.

Secretary Brian Clark explains: "Lots of people express an interest in playing, but obviously they would like to see how they get on and whether or not the sport is for them.

"These days we invite anyone who would like to have a go to turn up to one of our Wednesday evening club nights from 6pm onwards. It's completely free of charge, all the kit anyone could possible need is there, and a member will talk anyone interested through the basics."

Once bitten, and if required, a qualified coach takes over to teach newcomers the finer points of the game.

"Bowls is open to people of all ages and both sexes. It's a great sport but it does require a degree of commitment to be a club player," said Brian.

Formed in 1987, the Cinderford club has over 50 members.

Brian says facilities are excellent with a full size green which is professionally maintained. There is also a super clubhouse.

"Like all the other Forest clubs we are trying to attract more members. We have a good social atmosphere and play in two leagues, the local Wyevern League and the Coal Miners Association League," added Brian.

In their latest Wyevern League game the honours in a derby game against Lydney were evenly shared, with Lydney winning the men's competition and Cinderford the ladies.