Nearly a quarter of drivers admit to struggling with how to pack everything they need into their boot and to make it all fit, according to new research from car manufacturer Dacia.

To help ease Brits’ anxieties around car packing this summer and make the most of their space, Dacia is working with UK Tetris Champion DanV whose gaming-inspired tips on how to efficiently pack a boot will ensure you most of you car boot space.

DanV’s top tips:

• Stay organised: Just like in Tetris, recognising patterns and knowing the shapes you might encounter is key - identify and categorise your items by size and type. This way, you’ll know exactly where to place things ensuring they fit perfectly.

• Keep everything compact: In Tetris, creating gaps can lead to difficult situations, and packing is no different. Compress flexible items like clothes to minimize the space they occupy. By maximizing every inch of your luggage, you can fit more items into smaller spaces without leaving gaps.

• Pack light: The Tetris matrix has limited space and overloading it can lead to game over. Similarly, avoid packing unnecessary items like heavy jackets. Focus on bringing just the essentials and summer necessities like shorts and sandals to keep your luggage light and manageable.