OW would you like to look out of the window and see a strange man in baggy clothes wandering around your front garden?
This happened to my sister-in-law a few weeks back in Ashford, Kent.
On television we see would-be immigrants being brought out of lorries over in Calais but we do not see those that actually manage to get through. Now he could be anywhere.
My brother-in-law and his wife, who live in Dover, saw four refugees alighting from a lorry in which they had been hiding and calmly walking off into the town.
But, of course, anyone who is a legal resident of any of the 28 countries in the European Community can come to any point of entry into the United Kingdom like Dover, show their passport and they are here quite legally.
Dover has many hundreds, possibly thousands, of young men with very few women or children among them, mostly from Eastern Europe and most of the time along the seafront or in the shopping centre or, above all, outside the bed and breakfast up the Folkestone Road.
Friends and family who live in Dover tell me that there is a terrible amount of tension in the town with many areas looking absolutely trashed.
One of my family – who spent a good many years in the police and frequently had to deal with violent situations – tells me he would not feel able to walk up the Folkestone road without feeling threatened.
Similar situations can be found in several towns along the channel coast including Folkestone where Michael Howard, a long time leader in the Conservative party and government, has spoken clearly about the need to pull out of the European Union as he says the obvious truth is that David Cameron has totally failed in getting any help in dealing with this migrant problem.
The Conservative Party manifesto had declared that the aim was to reduce incomers to 100,000 a year but the figures just given have said that the new arrivals had bumped up the population by 325,000 in one year.
The true scale of the problem cannot be accurately assessed because departures are not recorded and there may well be a million migrants living permanently in the country unknown to the authorities.
The only way to get exactitude would be that everyone legally resident in this country should apply for an identity card of the unforgeable bio-metric type. For the
many non-British residents visas should be issued if they are working here or coming as tourists for a limited time.
Everyone else should be arrested and deported. This would be possible after our withdrawal from the EC.
Michael Howard is absolutely right in dismissing the government’s argument that withdrawing from the European Community would damage our economy and reduce our standard of living.
We do depend on trade, but Germany this year has exported to us £83 billion pounds’ worth of goods and no way would they be prepared like other countries to lose such a vital market which could undermine their own prosperity.
Freedom from control by the unelected commissioners in Brussels means that we could trade with anybody we liked without any restrictive handicap. We would not need to subsidise European farmers so they could compete with our own farmers through the Common Agricultural Policy.
At the same time we would be free to subsidise our farmers as we decide is appropriate.
We could protect vital industries such as steel, and we could give priority to projects by British companies regardless of competition if we decided this was in the national interest.
The commissioners who run the EC, with the help of some 12,000 employees, are nominated by governments not by voters.
Their projected policies are submitted to the Council of Europe containing representatives of governments.
Chris Grayling, who is at present the leader of the House of Commons, spent four years as the UK’s representative on this council.
Five times he voted against proposals that he believed were against Britain’s national interest and every time he was defeated.
They don’t give a damn about Britain’s interest. The EC by its leadership has demonstrated its incompetence by its ina-
bility to stem this overwhelming surge of immigrants from both inside and outside its borders.
Already some member countries are closing their borders and deporting the unwanted.
Do you know that the EC constituency in which we live has Gibraltar included in it? Do you know the name of our MEP? Do you know what he does? I certainly don’t. Who feeds the monkeys?
We simply cannot cope with the vast numbers of would-be migrants from huge areas of the globe unless we are prepared to
become a Third World poverty-stricken and chaotic country ourselves.
It would be better to provide help for them in their own countries.
– Roger Horsfield, Bream.