A SURVEY has found that a surprising number of UK parents often cheat during their child’s school sports day. 

As Foresters prepare for a summer away from school, a survey of 1,000 UK parents conducted by MandM found cheating is common for sports day. 

46% of respondents admitted to tripping another parent, 49% pushed to the front for a better start, and 53% cut across another parent’s lane. 

One respondent, Jennie Jordan said: "School sports day is that magical time when we parents swap our pom-poms and 'Go, team!' chants for running shoes and fierce determination. 

“It's the one day we get to be the stars of the show, soaking up cheers from our little fans on the sidelines. But let's be honest, it usually turns into an epic battle of the titans. 

“I've seen more than one parent channel their inner Olympian, with a few 'accidental' trips and elbows thrown in for good measure. After all, who says the kids should have all the fun?"

It was also found sports day is highly competitive among parents, with 40% of parents admitting they train for the big day, running being the most popular exercise to prepare.

One in three parents admitted to spending up to £30 on new sports gear to help them win. Additionally, almost 50% of parents confessed to buying new trainers for the competition.