A PARTY is being held tomorrow (Saturday) to officially launch the campaign to raise the finance to reopen a Wye Valley pub.

Locals in Brockweir want to re-open the Brockweir Country Inn, which closed five years ago, as a community-run concern.

A spokesperson for the campaign team said: “The pub was bought five years ago and closed for refurbishment work. Sadly the work became more complex and costly than anticipated, so it never got finished.  

“Now the community is planning to buy the pub from the current owner, finish the work and open its doors again.

“A management committee has been formed that’s been preparing the ground work with building surveys, public meetings, business plan and the like.  

“They are now ready to launch a community share offer so that people can buy shares in the pub. The money created from the share launch, as well as the grants that they are applying for, will hopefully bring the pub into community ownership.

“The Brockweir Inn wants to be a welcoming place for the whole community, not just the pub goers.”

The launch party is being held at the Mackenzie Hall in Brockweir tomorrow (Saturday) with live music from the Jane Williams Quintet and a public meeting is being held on Tuesday (June 4).

The campaign is looking to repeat the successful re-opening of the Rising Sun pub in Woodcroft near Chepstow which is now a thriving community-run facility

To find out more about the campaign visit www.thebrockweirinn.com