A LONELY runner plans to set up a club in Ross for everyone who enjoys pounding the streets in their spare time.
Andrew Pearson says he wants to welcome all 'runners, joggers and shufflers' in the area to a short meeting to find out what people would like from a running club.
His vision is for a group of people who meet and run together in small, same-standard groups, once a week.
Andrew said: "I've been running off and on for a number of years, recently given up smoking and am in need of motivation to get me running again with enthusiasm.
"It occurred to me that it's easier if you have people to run with, if only once a week.
"I've been talking with Ian Howell, captain of the Rowing Club, and we realised that a group of runners could use the club as its base to our mutual benefit."
The running group may be allowed to become associate members of the Rowing Club, using the changing rooms, weights and bar.
The first meeting will be at Ross Rowing Club on Tuesday, September 1 (6pm). Any queries to [email protected]">[email protected]