MCS held their annual school award ceremony, celebrating the success and determination of their students this past academic year.

Head teacher Hugo Hutchinson said that as a school, “we are very proud of all of our students, and the prize-winners who are awarded with their certificates tonight are all exceptional individuals who have really shone in a particular area of school life.”

School Governor Rev Dr Catherine Haynes gave out the certificates.

The Lower School Prize for English Lukas Beard. The Upper School Prize for English Dulcie Marchant. The Lower School Prize for Mathematics Hong Law. The Upper School Prize for Mathematics Emma Grimwade. The Sixth Form Prize for Mathematics Dewi Weeks. The Lower School Prize for International Languages Evie Jones. The Upper School Prize for International Languages Ozz Opher. The Sixth Form Prize for International Languages Emma York. The Lower School Prize for Welsh Cora Caines. The Upper School Prize for Welsh Tilly Wayte. The Sixth Form Prize for Welsh Milly Malsom. The Lower School Prize for Geography Maya Corfield. The Upper School Prize for Geography Saffron Jarvis. The Sixth Form Prize for Geography Halle Unsworth. The Lower School Prize for History Isla Stockwell. The Upper School Prize for History Ellie Hodgson. The Sixth Form Prize for History Harry Dixon. The Lower School Prize for RS Tyrrell Cullum. The Upper School Prize for RS Ruby Ashplant.

The Sixth Form Prize for RS Rosie Powell. The Lower School Prize for Science Isabelle Davies. The Upper School Prize for Science Lillian Bird. The Sixth Form Prize for Science Kate Rogers. The Upper School Prize for Social Science Imogen Helm. The Sixth Form Prize for Social Science Jessica James. The Lower School Prize for Design & Technology Ben Davis. The Upper School Prize for Design & Technology Nanci Edward. The Sixth Form Prize for Design & Technology Hotaru Hussey. The Upper School Prize for Business Studies Tamara Snell. The Sixth Form Prize for Business Studies Isobel Saunders. The Lower School for Computing Alisia Bailey. The Upper School Prize for Computing Archie Barrell. The Sixth Form Prize for Computing Ethan Walters. The Lower School Prize for Music Sam Deighton. The Upper School Prize for Music Freya Piper. The Sixth Form Prize for Music Noah Ryder. The Lower School Prize for Art Evelyn Marriner-Williams. The Upper School Prize for Art Sophia Biggs. The Sixth Form Prize for Art Elvis Rawlins

The Lower School Prize for Drama Holly Rose Parkin. The Upper School Prize for Drama Erin Crossley. The Sixth Form Prize for Drama Milo Kent. The MCS Prize for Determination Emelia Cherry (above right). The MCS Prize for Perseverance Ryan Jones. The MCS Prize for Service in the Community Hannah Robbins (pictured below).

The Stuart McLester Award – Student Leadership Team Isabella Dennis, Boris Hale, Mia Rittimut, Jennifer Walker-Owen (above left).