THE latest 16 homes in a planned expansion of Ross-on-Wye off the A40 has been approved.

Edenstone Homes of Newport applied in 2022 for planning permission to build 12 three-bedroom and four two-bedroom houses on half a hectare of farmland northeast of the town.

Six of the homes are classed as affordable, including two First Homes under the Government’s support scheme, but plans for bungalows have been dropped.

They will be accessed from Starling Road via the new Dragoon Road.

Local section 106 benefits funded by the developer will include £47,190, index-linked, to fund schools, £25,800 for sustainable transport, £15,120 for sports and leisure facilities, £5,520 for health care, £3,360 for new bins and £1,980 for the town’s library.

The sports and leisure funding will go on a refurbished hockey pitch at the John Kyrle Academy, improvements to Ross RFC’s pitches and clubhouse, new pitches and an improved wicket at the town’s sports centre, tennis centre court improvements and for the rowing club.

Planning officer Heather Carlisle said the design and layout were acceptable and appropriate to the area.

Outline planning permission to build 175 houses on the wider site was granted in 2021, since when many have been built.

This latest permission covers a plot known as 4D.

The development area is to be extended eastwards, making room for a further thousand homes, under the revised local plan up to 2041.