THREE friends who are taking on a gruelling 42-mile ultra marathon for charity say their main aim is just to complete it.

Colour Serjeant Tony Bramham, Corporal William Thomas and Lance Corporal Kelvin Phelps, all from 1 Rifles Sp Coy store at Beachley Barracks, have set themselves the challenge to reach Cardiff from Brecon, following the Taff Trail, in less than nine hours on May 24.

Kelvin said: "We are looking to complete the event in less than nine hours but our main aim is just to complete this gruelling challenge for a truly amazing charity.

"To date The Rifles' Regimental Trust has helped hundreds of rifleman of all ranks and their families come to terms with their injuries and losses.

"We, as a stores team, feel that it is now our turn to do something to raise some much-needed funding for this charity. Rifleman have volunteered to risk their lives and limbs on behalf of others; we need to do all we can to support them and show our appreciation for their courage and sacrifice.

"We are not natural runners by any means and, in fact, before we started training for this event, the furthest we had run is 13 miles – less than a third of the distance of the ultra marathon!

"We are under no illusion that this will be one of the most challenging things we have ever taken on, however with everybody's support, no matter how big or small, is sure to carry us through to the finish."

To donate visit http://www.justgiving">www.justgiving. com/1-Rifles-Scoy-stores-team