ARMY veteran Gary Morley recently completed a 1,240 mile walk from Land’s End to John o’Groats to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK. 

Former Forest of Dean resident who served with the Gloucestershire Regiment took 61 days to complete the walk, having started on Monday, April 1 and reaching his destination on Saturday, June 1. 

In preparation for this walk Gary posted parcels to friends and family up and down the country with essential equipment and resources needed to complete his journey.  

Gary said: “The idea of walking from Land’s End to John o’Groats has been on my mind since 2009 and I loved the idea of exploring and seeing new places.” 

"I chose not to set up the donation page at the start of the walk just in case I couldn't finish, and I didn't want to disappoint anyone. But the support I’ve received has been astonishing. I am so grateful!" 

Gary has managed to raise nearly £5,000 with the Just Giving fundraising page still open to donations.