There is a housing crisis in the Forest of Dean and across the UK. People are being priced out of the housing market in the places that they have grown up, and where they have the support of friends and family. Constituents have asked: How can my son or daughter rent ‘affordable’ housing?

The council has been instrumental in bringing forward affordable housing and 2023-24 saw us deliver 128 new affordable and eco-friendly homes across the district. Our objective is to deliver more, sustainable, affordable housing, with an active travel infrastructure to reduce emissions and enhance quality of life.

The new government has pledged to deliver the biggest increase in social and affordable housebuilding in a generation and to develop Britain as a clean energy superpower with the aim of cutting bills for local people. The council will watch closely to assess the impact that this will have locally.

This is welcome news but may take many years to bring to fruition. We currently have 1,591 individuals and families waiting for affordable housing in the district, with around 350 families being placed in suitable homes last year. If you are in need of affordable housing, then there are criteria that needs to be met for those who want to join the housing register.

How people access affordable housing depends on the tenure and type. The council is responsible for allocating affordable housing for rent through a choice-based lettings system called HomeseekerPlus. This is an ‘open’ waiting list, which means that anyone can apply, regardless of local connection or housing need. However, there are certain rules applied to ensure that anyone who has the financial means to secure their own accommodation are excluded from the list, such as high earners or property owners with substantial equity.

The majority of affordable housing is owned and managed by Registered Providers (RPs) that receive funding from Homes England. There are three main types of RPs: not- for-profit RPs (Housing Associations), for- profit RPs and local authorities. There are approximately 5,000 properties owned by RPs in the district.

Affordable housing may also be targeted to address a specific need, such as specialist housing for vulnerable, older or disabled people, known as ‘supported housing’.

Priority is given to those with a local connection to the district with the criteria being that a member of the household must have been resident in the district for either six out of the last 12 months or three out of the last five years. In addition, local connection can be applied if a member of the household has a close relative who has lived in the district for more than five years or are employed in the district.

Regular annual reviews are carried out whereby applicants who have not actively logged into their account or bid on a property for over a year are contacted to enquire if they still wish to be registered. Those who do not respond have their accounts removed but can reactivate these within six months of being removed. This ensures that only those who are actively seeking accommodation have a ‘live’ application therefore we can be reasonably sure that the current figure of 1591 provides a good understanding of households needing affordable housing to rent within the district.

For more information and advice on housing please visit the council’s website