Having spoken with residents and businesses, we know that it is vitally important for people to have access to healthy, vibrant town centres. Our market towns need to play a central role in supporting the Forest’s economic and social wellbeing and by working together we can help to develop and celebrate their unique identities. The regeneration of our market towns isn’t something that can be done overnight. The pressures from online retail and large supermarket chains make it extremely hard for small local businesses to compete. Myself, officers and councillors at the Council recognise this. Footfall and local spending across the four market towns have been hit hard for various reasons and though there are some great ideas coming from residents, traders, and town councils, we have simply lacked the resources to implement them. However, it’s clear that the regeneration of our town centres and support for small independent traders is critical in helping our local economy and for keeping the heart and soul in our community. That is why the Forest of Dean District Council and the four town councils in the Forest of Dean are working together to help appoint a dedicated Market Town Regeneration Officer to assist with bringing ideas to life and to support the good work that is already being done. Once appointed, the Market Town Regeneration Officer will work within the Councils existing Regeneration team. It’s especially important with a role such as this that the position is not limited to the Forest of Dean District Council. It has been brilliant to hold discussions, listen and work with the four town councils to receive their backing with this position, and this coordinated support and joined-up thinking is crucial in helping to regenerate our town centres. To reinforce this cooperative working approach, the District Council will fund 50% of the position, and the remaining 50% will be split equally between the four town councils. Given the jointly funded nature of the post, the Town Councils will also be invited to assist with the recruitment process and join monthly performance management meetings. We want to see our town centres bustling, with opportunities for local businesses to develop and prosper. They should be places where residents can feel welcomed and excited by what they see around them. The work carried out by the new Market Town Regeneration Officer, in collaboration with our four town councils is a great step forward, and we're excited to see the fantastic results that the person employed in the role helps to achieve. Details for the Market Town Regeneration Officer position will be published on the Forest of Dean District Council website and social media channels later this month, and we’d encourage applications from all who are interested. For far too long, our towns and communities have been working individually to try and remedy issues that they’ve spotted within their town, but by working together we can have a far greater and longer lasting impact.

Forest Council Cabinet Member for Economy, Cllr Jonathan Lane (FEP)
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