A legal firm fighting to help communities affected by the deterioration of the rivers Wye, Lugg and Usk has opened a new office in the heart of the region.
Environmental law specialist Leigh Day has set up premises in Hereford, as the claim over pollution continues to gather support. More than 2000 people have already signed up to support the legal action.
Partner Oliver Holland says the new office will allow local residents and businesses to meet the legal team and find out more about the claim and other environmental issues in the area.
He explained: “The office is staffed by members of our hard-working environmental team, and it is a vital point of contact for locals involved with the legal action.”
The claim sees members of communities in Herefordshire, Powys and Monmouthshire, represented by Leigh Day, bring legal action against members of the Cargill UK poultry group (including Avara Foods) and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water.
They argue that pollution of the rivers - allegedly caused by industrial scale poultry operations run by Cargill PLC, Freemans of Newent and Avara Foods, and sewage operations by Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water – have had a negative impact on businesses that depend on the river’s condition and people’s enjoyment of the area.

Claimants say that the Cargill UK poultry group’s reported increase in poultry production has resulted in large amounts of phosphorus-rich manure running into the river. They also allege that large amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen forms are entering the river from Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water’s sewage discharges.
It is claimed that the pollution caused by these two sources is causing eutrophication and algal blooms. It is alleged that this in turn has resulted in declining water quality and biodiversity loss, including the disappearance in many stretches of the rivers of the aquatic plant ranunculus. This decline in the ecology of the rivers was recognised by Natural England, who in 2023 downgraded the health of the Wye and Lugg to ‘unfavourable declining’, which is just two categories away from ‘destroyed’.
Leigh Day has been holding regular legal clinics about the community-led legal action in the company’s new office, which is located in Broadway House on Broad Street in Hereford. You can book a free appointment through their website.
Mr Holland said: “The rivers Wye, Lugg and Usk are vital hubs for communities and businesses across the region.
“We felt it was important to have a permanent presence here, so we can continue engaging with people locally as the legal action progresses.”
He added: “The legal clinics are for people already part of the claim, who perhaps want to come in and talk through the issues, and also, to help us reach anyone who wants more information, or to sign up to be part of the claim.
The firm is also holding community events throughout the region.
“We have heard many stories from people for whom the river is an important part of their lives,” said Mr Holland.
“This is the alleged destruction of a great natural resource. It’s vital we hear from as many people as possible, to help us understand fully the issues facing residents and businesses affected by the deterioration of these rivers.”
In September, the campaign received cross-party support from a group of parliamentarians led by Lord David Lipsey, who lives in the River Wye region.
The group’s initial focus was the debate on the Water Special Measures Bill. In his speech, Lord Lipsey commended the campaigning of local residents, including more than 200 citizen scientists who have collected water samples in an effort to highlight the deteriorating state of the River Wye.
He also recognised the work of Leigh Day, commending the firm’s “admirable” efforts to improve the condition of the river.
Leigh Day has also hosted roundtable events for local businesses, many of whom depend on the river for their livelihoods.
In respect of the alleged pollution of the Cargill UK poultry group, Mr Holland reiterated: "This is not a criticism of local farmers; this is a claim against huge, multinational corporations who have faced similar claims in the United States.”
“We claim that they knew the outcome of intensive poultry farming would cause the pollution of the River Wye but continued with their operations anyway.”
In 2023, the Oklahoma Court ruled that Cargill Inc polluted the Illinois River by spreading chicken manure on land so that it then leached into the river’s watercourse. The judge, in that case, found that Cargill knew or should have known that using poultry waste as fertilizer posed a risk to waterways,
“People are angry because intensive poultry farming is still happening and the river is still polluted,” said Mr Holland.
“Our hope is that the legal action will stop the pollution and result in the cleaning-up and restoration of the river so it can be enjoyed again.”
Leigh Day is bringing the claim on a no-win, no-fee basis. To join the claim or find out more about the environmental impact of the pollution and the group legal action, visit www.leighday.co.uk/riverwyeclaim
The Leigh Day team will be at The Left Bank Village, Bridge St, Hereford, HR4 9DG on Thursday 20 February from 19.00 – 21.00 for a Q&A session on the recent addition of Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water as a defendant to the claim.