WHILE the election of Ross Golf Club's 2024/25 Club Captain Mark Whitmore at their AGM in March coincided with a spell of disastrous weather resulting in his time-honoured 'Drive-In' celebrations being delayed for three months, there were no such problems when his Captain’s Prizes Day took place, reports KEITH RAY.

There was a full start-sheet representing all sections of the Gorsley-based club keen to support their popular and dedicated captain, although such is Mark's golfing capability that he only narrowly avoided the embarrassment of winning the main prize himself.

The pairs event saw Mark and his partner, Seniors Vice-Captain Doug Graham, scoring an impressive 47 stableford points just behind the 48 points of winners Tim Harrison and Stephen Sharpe.

With both Tim and Stephen capturing two birdies each and a massive 27 points after their opening nine holes, they proved timely and worthy champions.

Ruth Kirchmeier and Ellie Teasdale were top performing Ladies pair and Adrian and Alison Hope won the Mixed Pairs category.

Mark Button also collected a nearest the pin reward for his tee-shot to the seventh

The main winner on the day was Mark's nominated charity, Megan Baker House in Ledbury, which provides much needed services for adults and children with neurological motor disorders.