The new season has just kicked off for Monmouth Under 12 footballers, and they have secured sponsorship from local business owner, Rob Breakwell of On Track.

On Track prides itself on producing the UK’s most popular bike parks, tracks and trails, and Rob is delighted to sponsor a club that is obviously going places!

Alan Powell, Coach at Monmouth U12s, said, “We are really chuffed that On Track will be sponsoring us this season. I have watched this team grow and develop since their Under 5s days, and it is a real honour to coach them each week and enjoy their successes with them. They are brilliant boys and nobody deserves to be sponsored more than them. Thank you, Rob.”

The club hopes to go from strength to strength and Rob is looking forward to supporting them. “These boys have an incredible coaching team behind with Alan, Amy, Nick and new coaches Ben and Mike joining them and they are definitely On Track to do well this year. Come on Monmouth Under 12’s.

Other teams also had sponsorship from local businesses including the U9s whose sponsor is Monmouth’s Spice Trail and the U13s who were pleased to see get the sponsorship from Evolve Care Group and Under 8’s are now sponsored by Dawleys.

All the kits now match the town’s senior team.

U9s squad with sponsor Spice Trail
U13s team
U8’s Ben Crowther is coach and Dawleys is sponsor
A mix of  U8 and u10