THE CIBC Rally Barbados will leave a lasting impression on Wyedean crew Nik Elsmore and Pauline Nash, when their first ever trip to the beautiful island for the Caribbean's top motorsport event was a case of triumph over adversity thanks to hard work and determination, reports PAUL WILLETTS.

The unique set up of Rally Barbados consists of two events in two weekends – the First Citizens' King of the Hill event comprising four runs over the same test with the fastest time counting to your final position, used to seed the 103 crews for the three-day International event the following weekend.

For Pauline this was a catalogues of firsts – her first International rally, her first time making the all important pace notes, stages in full darkness, and International timing – while this was Nik’s first asphalt event since 2009.

Unfortunately disaster struck on the Thursday when bedding in some tyres ahead of Sunday's King of the Hill when a rattle sparked fears that all was not well with the Mitsubishi Evo 9's engine.

The offending item was traced to a broken gudgeon pin on cylinder 4, something that's incredibly rare.

To come all this way and not even start was too much to comprehend, so after a long consultation it was decided to strip the engine in situ and find some parts ASAP.

With new parts not able to arrive until Monday, they had little option but to withdraw from Sunday's event.

While Nik and Pauline continued to recce the International stages, the job to rebuild the motor fell to Dan Jury and Justin "Buster" Taylor, and by Wednesday evening the job was complete.

But this didn't take place in an air-conditioned garage, instead in temperatures of 34C.

So Nik's dad Graham ran the engine in on Thursday doing around 70kms at 3000rpm, and a data check on Friday morning confirmed everything was good to go much to everyone's relief, although the decision was taken to turn the engine down slightly.

Attention then turned to the gruelling CIBC-backed 21 special stages totalling 130kms, in high temperatures and tropical storms, leaving roads like rivers and tyre choice a lottery.

Friday's short opening leg saw three tests in darkness, two in the confines of the twisty Bushy Park race circuit, with the other 7km test out in the lanes around the circuit.

Every single vantage point was taken up hours before the first cars arrived to watch, and continued all weekend.

Friday's leg was about getting into the groove and making sure everything was working, including the crew.

Saturday's nine tests took crews to the central and eastern side of the island with wide fast roads mixed with some narrow sections.

Again the weather did its utmost to cause carnage, but apart from a half spin they had a trouble-free day finishing 23rd overall and third in class M4.

Sunday's final leg offered a further eight tests in the northern part of Barbados, on more demanding roads.

Class leader Mark Thompson in his Evo 9 was an early retirement, but the duo ticked off the stages as tropical storms caught out many crews.

And they arrived at the finish at Bushy Park 19th overall and second in class for a remarkable and truly well deserved result.

"Considering the stress we had, I never thought I'd be here now and I'm very pleased with the top=20 finish," said Coleford's Nik.

"It's been a really tough challenge. Pauline has done a fantastic job under pressure, and the team has been brilliant in every way, especially Dan and Buster.

"Thanks to all those other people who helped us here, it's been some adventure I can tell you."

For Pauline the hard work and hours of preparation paid dividends.

"It's been amazing. A fabulous place to go rallying and a huge thanks to all our team and sponsors and to everyone who helped us," she said.

"Dan and Justin worked their backsides off, ably assisted by Graham to get us to the start.

"I'd also like to thank the Barbados Rally Club for a fantastic rally and Roger Hill for his help pre-event.

"But one thing I won't miss is the heat, so it's time for a wine or two now."

The team thanked sponsors CDS Taxis, Calico Interiors and Building, MJ Electrical, Health Care 21, Dean Joinery, Bells Club, Galavant Campers and White Hart, Coleford and Dan, Buster, Graham, Bri, Aimee and Jo.

Looking ahead, the Hills Ford Stages and Wyedean are two events in the schedule, with more International events planned for 2025.